Contact the Sanitary District
If you notice a steady or flashing red light, and/or a high pitched noise coming from an electrical control box, report the condition and address to a Commissioner immediately. A Commissioner will turn off the alarm shortly and arrange for repairs. It is necessary that your water use be conserved until repairs are completed. Repairs are usually complete within 24 hours or less, but occasionally take longer if weekends or holidays are involved. You will be notified when repairs are completed.
Please contact a Commissioner if you become aware of any other situation, or emergency condition, relating to the sanitary sewer system or its electric controls.
For matters relating to garbage or recycling collection please contact the contractor directly. Waste Management - 920-694-3535. Remember the Town of Rhine prohibits putting trash out earlier than 24 hours before collection.
Please use the District website when possible as it contains much useful information and is intended to answer most routine questions.
P.O. Box 127, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin 53020
920.876.6456 — District id #82302722370
There is voicemail which, additionally, is automatically transcribed to text and emailed so please leave a message. The District has no physical location and there is no employee available to answer the telephone. Voicemail and emails are usually returned promptly by one of the Commissioners.
Monthly public open meetings, special meetings, and hearings are usually held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Northern Moraine Utility office located at N7025 County Rd. P, Glenbeulah, Wisconsin.
The present Commissioners are:
Al Feld . . . 920-980-3827 (cell phone)
Jim Peterson . . . 920-946-1953 (cell phone)
John Mooney . . . 920-207-2878 (cell phone)